You shape our business

When you buy our services you shape our business.
You can also discuss the following things with us.

We have chosen the brand Bopp.
  • Franz Bopp was a linguist with important studies on the Indo-European languages. We share with him the interest in the history of languages and civilization.
  • Hale-Bopp was the most widely observed comet during the 20th century. We encourage people to gain knowledge of the universe.
  • Bopp is also a name for unconventional online trading. We support people who improve online trading and we accept bitcoins.
How do you like our brand?

You can see it on our Google Plus page. Would you associate it with a united and colorful globe?

How do you feel when you visit our website?
We will improve it and take into account how you want to use it.

You can start many discussions with us. The starting point of these discussions can be an article that you ask us to write or an article of yours that you ask us to post. What discussions do you want to have on our blog?

You can join our Google Plus community about language services.
Do you want us to create a private community, with only Bopp service providers, clients and customers?

What software do you like?
For communication we recommend Google services.
For translation management we recommend e.g. SDL applications.
What applications do you prefer for file transfers and collaboration?

How do you like to pay online?
There are more and more services, the most popular being PayPal.

We're really good at putting your money to work, so you enjoy the highest quality possible.
We want to invest the profit mainly in optimizing our services.
Do you want us to invest a small share of your pay in other things?
If yes, which are these? Environmental protection, healthcare, child welfare or other things?
We can also return that money to each of you or by drawing prizes.
